Defund the United Nations

The United Nations is seeking to put the sovereignty of the United States in their back pockets...

From the UN Weapons Ban to their attempted takeover of the Internet, the United Nations is undermining our national security and trying to invalidate the U.S. Constitution and U.S. law.

The National Council for Freedom and Enterprise is fighting to defund the United Nations.

But we need your help to send a clear message to Congress that Americans, like you, refuse to finance this intrusion on our sovereignty.

So please sign the "Defund the United Nations" petition below.

Defund the United Nations Petition
To My Representative and Senators

Whereas:   The United States currently hands over nearly $3 billion a year to fund the United Nations (25% of budget), which is money that we don't even have; and
Whereas:   Throughout its history, the U.N. has pushed a global agenda that has existed to subvert our national sovereignty and free market system; and
Whereas:   The United Nations has repeatedly undermined American national security and foreign policy; and
Whereas:   Global warming treaties, international fire arms bans and other constitution shredding globalist policies have originated in this body; and
Whereas:   The U.N. is overrun by nations where freedom is a foreign concept and capitalism is public enemy number one.
Therefore: I urge you to take action to defund the United Nations immediately.

By filling out the petition below, you are authorizing the National Council for Freedom and Enterprise
to send this petition to your Representative and both of your Senators.

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Last Name:

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